Wednesday, October 6, 2010


through the darken'd night i dreamed
of all the things in life i had forgotten.
and in the morning, i had naught to show
for in the mountain mist the world

the wind whipped the frozen flakes
and choked me by the cloying closeness
fighting for breath in a world without air
lost in dreary paths, obscured from

upon the life i glimpsed in brighter
shadows across the confinement
of my freedom the reflections of a sun
i cannot bear to dream of lest by fantasy

these hands which had wrought so
little by their very industry creating
a million twaddling homunculi
that fill the days but leave empty

1 comment:

  1. ok, so the german side of my brain read the title, and was quite confused by the poem - but then i realized that mist didn't mean crap, it meant mist. lol.
